Monday, September 20, 2010

German media (radio)

         I noticed while listening to German radio stations that their music is much like ours. Many stations had songs in English and some where even songs that we also have here. I realized that they mostly seemed to be listening to pop music but also had other genres. I think that mass media isn't more globalize as the people who consume them because companies wouldn't invest in advertising in a place that they don't sell their product. I think that if patterns are similar all over that it means German’s and American’s aren’t as different as they think they are. I feel that with the internet and media now days it I much easier for people to learn about others and see their customs and values. I think that much of cultural differences survive in the religious values. I think that radio in Germany is probably a very good thing for Germans trying to keep up their English speaking skills because many of the songs are in English.

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