Monday, November 15, 2010

Why the EU will continue to be a pivotal organization in the 21st century

1. Cheaper Trading
-There are no border crossings through countries in the EU, which makes trading faster and cheaper.

2. Greater internal safety- offers strict border control and immigration policies.

3. It strengthens the diversity of Germany and Europe

4. Stability- The Euro stabilizes Germany's economy.

5. Keeps national pride in check.

6. People in EU are free to move to other countries to work, thus giving Germany a large work force.

7. The EU has an aim to protect the environment. This helps Germany keep their country clean.

8. Unifying with the EU gives them more power in voicing opinions and seeing global changes happen.

9. The EU unites Germany with other EU countries, giving them good connection for everything from trade to military.

10. Eu allows Germany to remain a global competitor with the rest of the world.

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