Monday, December 6, 2010

Personal response to movie

 The movie Der Baader Meinhof Komplex was a very interesting movie. I felt that it was very intense the entire time and you really had to pay attention to follow along with what was happening. I felt that the opening scene with the protestors being beaten to near death was incredibly infuriating. I felt that people should be able to voice their opinions without fear of being killed. Many scenes in this movie where infuriating in the fact that I felt the wrong person was being punished or the wrong thing was being done about a problem. I feel that at the beginning the first generation group had good intensions in their acts against the government and many people agreed with them but where to scared of punishment to step forward an fight. The first group had many good leaders and had great planning and execution to their plans. The second generation was still learning from the first and also had the right intensions but had some ideas that the first generation leaders didn’t agree with. Those ideas where often forgotten about by the second generation to please the first and they continued to recruit more people to help with their cause. After the first generation was all thrown in jail however the second and now third generations did things that where not as the first leaders had intended them to be. The group started to hurt innocent people and that is exactly what the first generation leaders where against. They hated to see this from jail and they where mad that the group was now being led by people they had never even met before. It made me very angry to see the leaders die in the prison by what I am sure was not their own will but that of someone who thought they could play god.

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